Sunday, February 27, 2011

Bottles & Gunshots Mash Up Follow Di Arrow Show

Last night during Follow Di Arrow show certain people in the audience decided to rain down bottles and stones on Bounty Killer. During the event, which was held in St. Mary at James Bond Beach, Bounty started to say something about Vybz Kartel when all hell broke loose. Bounty tried to hold him grounds by refusing to leave the stage. He said, "Mi nah run, after mi nah play dandy shandy” but the bottles coming at him got to be too much because he eventually fled the stage.

Word on the streets is that Vybz also went on stage to confront Bounty and also had to leave because of the violence. Gunshot erupted adding to the chaos and people had to run for their lives. Several people were injured but the details of their injuries is unknown at this time.

People need fi just cool.

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